SPRINT TO 50: NAWL’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2024

23 August 2022
August 23, 2022

Introducing our organizational strategic plan, Sprint to 50, feels like a very special and monumentous occasion for all of us at The National Association of Women and the Law!  

Sprint to 50 acts as our guiding star for the next three years, setting out the course for the organization, which will bring us to our 50th anniversary – hence the title, Sprint to 50.  

We didn’t work alone on this and are grateful for the valuable feedback and input from the feminist community. Thanks to this collaborative work, we have developed a strong framework for our: mission, vision, values, three key priority focus areas, and four goals.  

This plan determines that over the next 3 years, NAWL will be focused on advancing a robust feminist law reform agenda in three key priority areas: ending violence against women, reproductive rights, and women’s rights in the climate crisis. Along with driving a proactive agenda forward in these three areas, NAWL will also continue to respond and lend our voice to urgent national issues with strong, organized, feminist advocacy.   

Read more about our Sprint to 50 to see how we’ve sketched out our journey towards our 50th anniversary:  


about NAWL
The National Association of Women and the Law is a not-for-profit feminist organization that promotes the equality rights of women through legal education, research and law reform advocacy.
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