2 February 2001
February 2, 2001
Rape Shield Provisions Upheld
Cet article est disponible uniquement en anglais. The Supreme Court of Canada upheld the rape shield provisions of the Criminal Code (s. 276, 276.1and 276.2) in R. v. Darrach, 2000 SCC 46, released October 12. Except in one respect, the decision does ...
2 February 2001
February 2, 2001
Update on the Pamela Jean George Case
Cet article est disponible uniquement en anglais. In the early morning hours of April 17, 1995, on the outskirts of Regina, Saskatchewan, Pamela Jean George was beaten to death by two young white men. One of the two men convicted of killing ...
23 June 2000
June 23, 2000
The Defence of Provocation: Stop Excusing Violence Against Women
Historically the criminal law system has justified and condoned male violence against women. It allowed a man to use “reasonable” force to ensure the respect and obedience of his spouse; it immunized husbands from prosecution for rape of their wives; it did ...
1 March 1997
March 1, 1997
Submissions to the Standing Committee on Bill C-46, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code in Respect of Production of Records in Sexual Offence Proceedings
NAWL congratulates the government for attempting to curb the damaging effects of recent Supreme Court decisions (Behariell and O’Connor). NAWL makes some practical suggestions for improvement. NAWL consulted very thoroughly with front line groups to develop its position. ...
1 January 1996
January 1, 1996
Discriminatory Uses of Personal Records in Sexual Violence Cases: Notes for Sexual Assault Counsellors on the Supreme Court of Canada’s Decisions in R v O’Connor and LLA v AB
The paper is designed to be of use to women in sexual assault centres who are likely to be faced with subpoenas to produce personal records. It also gives a useful summary of the two Supreme Court cases that represent current law ...
6 June 1995
June 6, 1995
A Brief on Bill C-72: An Act to Amend the Criminal Code
This brief addresses the government’s legislative response to the Daviault decision that created a defence of extreme intoxication for offences such as sexual assault and manslaughter. It outlines the history of the law before the Daviault decision and section by section, analyses ...
30 May 1995
May 30, 1995
Bill C-68: An Act Respecting Firearms and Other Weapons
NAWL views gun control as one important component of a multi-faceted strategy to reduce violence against women. In our brief, we identify the policy considerations that make the issue of gun control an important one for women, and we address the major ...
30 November 1993
November 30, 1993
Bill 100: An Act to Amend the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991
NAWL’s presentation on legislation to regulate the discipline of health professionals accused of sexually abusing their patients includes recommendations on a comprehensive definition of sexual abuse, standing for patients at disciplinary hearings and appropriate compensation. ...
1 October 1993
October 1, 1993
Brief to the Ontario Commission on Systemic Racism in the Criminal Justice System
NAWL’s presentation with the National Organization of Immigrant and Visible Minority Women of Canada and the Elizabeth Fry Society focused on the programming needs of incarcerated women, the impact of the “wife assault as a crime” strategy, and the need for diversity ...
1 June 1993
June 1, 1993
Submission to the Legislative Committee on Bill C-126, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the Young Offenders Act
NAWL’s brief discusses stalking and harassment, abduction of children, spousal conspiracy and child witnesses. ...
1 May 1993
May 1, 1993
Four Year Review of the Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Evidence Act (Sexual Offences)
NAWL’s brief pertains to laws governing sexual offences against children, and proposed rules on children giving evidence in court. ...
20 May 1992
May 20, 1992
A Brief on Bill C-49, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (Sexual Assault)
NAWL’s response to the proposed “rapeshield” law. Submitted to the Legislative Committee on Bill C-49. ...
1 March 1991
March 1, 1991
Section 213 of the Criminal Code – Prostitution
This brief was written in response to recommendations by the Committee on Justice and the Solicitor General to make prostitution an indictable offence, in order to permit fingerprinting of all prostitutes. Happily, the federal government agreed with NAWL’s comments, and did not ...
1 December 1990
December 1, 1990
Women and Sentencing
Written in response to a consultation paper by the Department of Justice on directions for reform, this brief contains NAWL’s views on sentencing and corrections. ...
1 December 1989
December 1, 1989
Prostitution: Bill C-49 Four Years Later
Outlines NAWL’s concerns with the 1985 anti-soliciting law. Prostitutes’ safety and enforcement inequities between prostitutes and their customers are highlighted. Also shows how the law did not achieve the purpose for which it was enacted which was to clean up Canadian streets. ...
22 October 1987
October 22, 1987
Women and Criminal Justice Issues
Contains summaries of workshops on procedure and evidence, sentencing and punishment, criminal justice resources and the legislative agenda and a paper intended for promoting discussion. ...
19 February 1987
February 19, 1987
Section 15 – Equality in the Criminal Justice System and the Workplace: Fact or Fantasy?
1 February 1987
February 1, 1987
Special Defences for Women: Outline
1 December 1986
December 1, 1986
A Brief on Bill C-15, An Act to Amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Evidence Act Regarding Sexual Offences Against Young People
Applauds government’s initiatives regarding child sexual abuse, but shows concern about procedure and evidence provisions. Outlines changes to improve child victims’ access to the courts and proposes changes to new offences of sexual interference, sexual exploitation, and invitation to sexual touching including ...
1 December 1986
December 1, 1986
A Perspective on the Female Offender