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The Women’s Future Fund is pleased and proud to announce the launch of Campaign 2004. Building on the success of last year’s campaign, this year we hope to raise $50,000 in cash and pledges to be divided between our 9 members.
Running from International Women’s Day on March 8th to Mother’s Day on May 9, the WFF Campaign has two purposes. The first purpose is to raise profile and the second is to raise funds.
The goal of the Women’s Future Fund is to increase the self-sufficiency of national women’s organizations that are working for equality and an increased quality of life for women and girls across Canada.
Under the theme – “Enlarging the Pie” – 9 national women’s organizations have joined together for the purpose of collaborative resource development. Rather than cutting the existing funding pie smaller, the WFF goes beyond traditional sources of assistance to reach out to women and men in the Canadian workplace and ask for their support through workplace giving. We start Campaign 2004 with 22 workplaces already committed to our members’ work.
The Women’s Future Fund is a major step in our ability to tell our story, increase our resources and build new partnerships. The backbone of our work is a network of trained volunteers who are working across the country to identify, approach and access private and public workplaces. As the only national Women’s Federation in Canada, we are a concrete example of women’s commitment to work together – and we need your help!
* Can the WFF introduce our Campaign in your workplace? Let us know!
* Join us as a volunteer; we’ll do the training!
* Designate the WFF as the recipient of your payroll deduction.
* Or, make a monthly credit contribution by contacting us at:
Email: wffinfo@web.ca
Phone (416) 516-5500
Fax (416) 516-5506
Web site: www.womensfuturefund.com
We are proud of work, excited by our Campaign and grateful to all the WFF Member organizations for your support over the past year. We look forward to working with you during Campaign 2004! Give us a call!
WFF Members
- Accéd Foundation/Fondation Accéd Canadian
- Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies (CAEFS)/Association canadienne des sociétés Elizabeth Fry
- Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW)/Institut canadien de recherches sur les femmes
- Canadian Women’s Foundation (CWF)/Fondation des femmes canadiennes
- The Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)/Le Fonds d’action et d’éducation juridiques pour les femmes
- Media Images of Women Educational Society/Société d’éducation L’image des femmes dans les médias
- National Action Committee on the Status of Women Trust (NAC Trust)/ Fiducie pour la recherche et l’éducation, Comité canadien d’action sur le statut de la femme
- National Association of Women and the Law Charitable Trust for Research and Education (NAWL)/Fiducie pour la recherche et l’éducation, Association nationale de la femme et du droit
- National Congress of Black Women Foundation (NCBWF)/Fondation du Congrès national des femmes noires du Canada