NAWL’s NSC chair Martha Jackman, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Ottawa, spoke with Toronto Star reporter Tonda MacCharles, on Maumud Jamal’s appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Jackman said, it’s clear Jamal is “highly qualified as a jurist, as a scholar” and his appointment “brings a level of diversity to the court that was long overdue.”
In August 2020, NAWL sent a letter to the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, calling for the nomination of women and/or men who are Indigenous, Black, racialized, and/or from other equality seeking communities, to fill the two forthcoming Ontario vacancies on the SCC, and the Prime Minister sent a letter in response, dated October 14, 2020.
Read the Toronto Star article – Mahmud Jamal becomes the first person of colour appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada
Read NAWL letter to the Prime Minister and Minister of Justice on SCC nominations
Read Prime Minister’s letter in response to Ms. Beavers, et al