Coalition for Women’s Equality and Human Rights

13 December 2009
December 13, 2009

As part of the Ad Hoc Coalition for Women’s Equality and Human Rights, NAWL maintains an ongoing campaign to pressure the federal parties to commit to concrete and meaningful measures to advance women’s equality.

From the Coalition’s website (

The Ad Hoc Coalition for Women’s Equality and Human Rights came together in 2006. The Coalition’s goal is to fight the actions against women’s rights taken by the Government of Canada, specifically:

  • Cancellation of the child care agreements with the Provinces
  • Refusal to take action on Federal Pay Equity Legislation
  • Cancellation of the Court Challenges Program
  • Changes to the mandate of Status of Women Canada eliminating reference to women’s equality; significant reduction in the Department’s budget ultimately resulting in the closure of offices and the limitation in services to women; and amendments to the funding guidelines that severely impact on women’s organizations and their ability to address fundamental systemic change.

Read more about NAWL’s participation in the Coalition.

about NAWL
The National Association of Women and the Law is a not-for-profit feminist organization that promotes the equality rights of women through legal education, research and law reform advocacy.
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