Childcare Benefits

28 May 2007
May 28, 2007

Child care is of particular importance for Canadian women as almost three quarters of women with young children combine paid work with motherhood; child care, therefore, is what allows women equal access to the workforce.

Under Prime Minister Harper’s child care system, women are being denied equal access to the workforce and access to quality and affordable childcare. Women are being denied equal access to the workforce because they are unable to afford quality childcare and must then stay at home with their children. This is why NAWL fully supports the proposed Early Learning and Child Care Act which addresses current discrepancies and will provide a workable child care system which supports the families and women who need it the most.

The Early Learning and Child Care Act recognizes that a successful child care program which will benefit women and their families must be accessible, universal and accountable, while also aiding in children’s development. The Bill also guarantees a universal stance for all provinces while recognizing the unique jurisdiction of Quebec. The Early Learning and Child Care Act is a coherent child care policy which will offer women the quality, affordable child care they are entitled to. This Act will provide a safe and educational environment for children while at the same time allowing women to provide income for their families.

The Early Learning and Chid Care Act essentially provides for standards and criteria that must be respected by provinces and territories before they can receive federal funding. The Bill contains an excellent and achievable plan which addresses women’s equality through providing for a child care system which is truly beneficial not only to women and their families, but to society as a whole. The Early Learning and Child Care Act will not only provide adequate funding for early learning and child care, but it will ensure that the funding is used to create quality child care which is accessible, universal and accountable to women and children throughout Canada.

Natalie Groen is a volunteer for NAWL, completing her studies at Carleton University in Human Rights and Law.

about NAWL
The National Association of Women and the Law is a not-for-profit feminist organization that promotes the equality rights of women through legal education, research and law reform advocacy.
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